Friday, February 1, 2013

Dating a Sagittarius Man - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Guy.

Lively and outspoken, Sagittarians believe in looking at the brighter side of things. People with this Zodiac sign are born between 22nd November and 21st December. The positive mantra that informs their daily life also colors their personal relationships and opens up untold worlds for their partners. Here are a few insights into dating and loving a Sagittarius man.
Sagittarians are nothing if not optimistic. If you are dating a guy born into this zodiac, you will find that even the worst kind of a Monday traffic or the rainiest of days in autumn is unlikely to dampen his pleasure in seeing you. He is ready to greet an unpleasant experience with the same smile that he lavishes on a happy occasion. This positive outlook is one of the most attractive qualities in Sagittarians and few people are able to resist the sunshine that radiates from these happy beings.
A thirst for knowledge is what distinguishes a Sagittarian from someone who is merely happy-go-lucky. If the man you are dating has an unquenchable desire to discover the unknown and learn about everything new that he comes across, chances are that he is a Sagittarian. Like the Archer which symbolizes this zodiac sign, a Sagittarius aims high at the star of knowledge and reaches for all that is waiting to be discovered. Your Sagittarian lover is equally likely to be thrilled at the prospect of travels to far and near destinations as of a quiet evening by the fireside with a good book since both entail encounters with rich unknown experiences. If you intend to keep this guy, make sure that he gets enough intellectual stimulation from you. Discuss with him his favorite books, rock bands and historical figures. You may find that the great explorers of seventeenth century Europe or the stalwarts of sixteenth century Renaissance constitute his ideal characters from the past. Intelligent conversation and a well-rounded personality are your best bet if want your Sagittarian lover to remain interested in you.
The best part about a Sagittarian’s search for knowledge is that it makes him liberal and open-minded. Unlike a Virgo’s meticulous scholarship which has a tendency to slide into pedantry, a Sagittarius exults in a more humanist and inclusive outlook. This means that if you are looking for a guy who believes in genuine and broad-minded partnership as the basis of a successful relationship, then your search is likely to stop with a Sagittarius. Men born under this sign are more likely than others to settle into a platonic relationship over a length of time so think twice if you believe that physical intimacy is the be-all and end-all of a romantic relationship. The all-consuming fires of passion are not for a Sagittarius lover, he would rather be your companion and soul mate for life.
The desire for crossing newer horizons which makes the Sagittarian a much-read and much-travelled man can also mean that he might disappear from your life every now and then. If you are the kind of woman who believes that two people in love with one another should be physically accessible to each other all the time, then perhaps a Sagittarius guy is not the one for you. From time to time, he may need a change of scene to make him feel alive. Being stuck in one task or place for long periods can make him feel tied down and claustrophobic. This is also one reason why Sagittarians are unlikely to be found living and working according to an artificially enforced routine. They thrive in artistic careers or those like medicine and social work which entail a lot of motion. This restlessness is not one every woman can understand, and often to a partner it may appear to smack of unwillingness to commit or undertake responsibility. However a Sagittarius man is a free-wheeling spirit and trying to pin him down will only make him more eager to break free.
A Sagittarian’s open broad-minded nature makes him a favorite among friends and family. He is fun-loving, jovial and easily highlights the brighter side of life. While all these traits endear him to people who know him well, a tendency to be outspoken on the other hand has been known to ruin some potential relationships for Sagittarians. Their unfortunate penchant for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and perhaps to the wrong person has been long the butt of many jokes. So if you are planning to take your boyfriend to meet the family over the holidays, be very careful of any ill-timed jokes about Aunt Jo’s new hairdo or Cousin Howard’s new squeeze. However as anyone close to a Sagittarius will be ready to vouch, his comments, no matter how unfortunate, are never malicious and because of his genuine good nature are always forgiven – eventually!
The downside of the proverbial Sagittarian optimism is that they tend to forget the practical side of life. With Jupiter as the ruling planet, a Sagittarian is thought to be Luck’s favorite child and therefore can be often found safely sailing through the many whirlpools of Fate. Whether this is the result of actual good luck or merely the workings of over-indulgent friends and family may be open to debate, but what happens over time is that such a Sagittarian begins to wander through life thinking that someone or the other will bail him out when the going gets tough. Discipline, hard work and being realistic are important life skills often missing in Sagittarius men. So if you are a woman who prefers security and predictability in her partner over a brilliant and versatile nature, maybe you should look elsewhere.
A relationship with the high-aiming Archer is not every woman’s cup of tea. It will require her to be patient with his wanderings, practical to balance out his high-flying optimism and intelligent to match the brilliant workings of his mind. However, in return, what she will get is a deep abiding relationship based on honest and genuine companionship. And as far as trades go, who wouldn’t want to settle for one like that?
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Dating a Sagittarius Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Girl.

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between November 22 and December 21. Idealistic, free living and fun-loving, they make for great relationships. So if you want to date a Sagittarius woman, here are a few ways to go about it.
One of the quickest ways to catch the attention of a Sagittarius is to talk about travel. These people simply love packing their bags and heading off for the unknown. Perhaps the most widely-traveled in the entire zodiac, no destination is to boring or too dangerous for a Sagittarius if it includes the prospect of seeing new sights and meeting new people. So after you have made the first few introductory noises, ask your Sagittarius date about the last vacation she took or the most exciting place she has been to. And you can be sure that the rest of the evening will pass in lively conversation. However once you are in a relationship with your Sagittarius girlfriend, be sure to take a trip with her every now and then even if it is just for a weekend or to the mountains in the next state.
Sagittarians are rather physical people and thus the outdoors is a great attraction with them. Hiking into the mountains or camping under the stars are some of the most romantic things you can do with a Sagittarius partner. Sporting events could also make great dating venues. So the next time you are stuck on where to take your girlfriend, ask about her favorite football team and then go buy tickets for the game her team is playing.
A Sagittarian is a bundle of crackling energy, hardly surprising considering that the ruling element of the sign is fire. Besides the outdoors, they dig anything fast-paced and with lots of action. Racing tracks and discotheques are other good options where a Sagittarian would like to let her hair down and have a good time. However make sure that it is not something completely against your preferences since beneath their fun-loving exterior, Sagittarians are also very sensitive to moods and nothing will upset her more than knowing that her partner is disinterested or worse, unhappy on the date.
A flip-side of the Sagittarian’s energetic nature is a tendency to get bored quickly. As soon as your date may have had a couple of drinks and dances at the nightclub, she might start fidgeting about and then brightly suggest a late night drive by the beach or river. Sagittarians have incredible stamina and can keep hopping from one activity to another when other stout-hearted guys can carry on no longer. However without enough activities to keep their energetic minds occupied, a Sagittarius can lose interest quite soon and can become moody and irritable. So while getting a Sagittarius woman may be fairly easy, retaining her interest may be much tougher and require some serious work. The best way about it would be to plan a series of activities which are fun, exciting and would keep your girlfriend on her toes.
Though a Sagittarian may be quick to fall in love, curiously enough they do not put much store by sexual intimacy. Even though their innate physical nature ensures that Sagittarians are sensitive to their partner’s sexual needs and are quite sensual themselves, sex does not constitute a driving force in their romantic relationships. Rather, Sagittarians look for intellectual compatibility, a shared love of adventure and the ability to maintain personal space in a relationship. So instead of pushing your Sagittarius girlfriend for a nightcap right after the third date, make sure that you have first established a comfort level with her. Nothing will make her run harder than a guy who wishes to pressurize her into something and that too into having sex before she is ready.
If you are interested in having a relationship with a Sagittarius woman, make sure you give her enough room of her own. Personal freedom ranks at the top among all other life priorities for Sagittarians. They can never feel comfortable in a relationship where they are expected to toe their partner’s line on how to live and love. They must have the space to pursue their own interests and interact with their own social circle which may or may not include that of their partner’s. Despite being in a relationship, they need the freedom to come and go. This is not to say they are incapable of fidelity but that they will not stand being ‘owned’ by their partners. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with a Sagittarius girlfriend is to hedge her in and expect her to change her lifestyle to suit yours. Like the arrow which bursts forth from the Archer, the symbol of the Sagittarius, she cannot be held back and will follow her destiny.
The frank and unfettered nature of Sagittarians makes them quite outspoken at times. You may be disconcerted when your girlfriend points out that your cologne is rather strong and the painting, which has made a substantial dent in your bank balance, is hung upside down. Quite often this frankness may be inappropriate on social occasions and you may find yourself wishing your girlfriend had the tact and diplomacy of a Libra. However a Sagittarian’s outspoken manner is never motivated by malice and it is simply a rather forceful expression of her highly individual personality.
The symbol of this zodiac is the Centaur – half-man and half-horse. In ancient Roman mythology, Centaurs were intellectuals and teachers which perhaps explains the Sagittarian concern with the really big issues of life. Their minds have far-thinking ability aptly symbolized by the Archer who looks ahead and takes his aim. So try to act in a principled manner around your Sagittarian girlfriend since she is likely to care deeply about matters like justice and fair-play.
The Sagittarius is an amazing combination of qualities. Fun-loving, carefree but also noble and expansive, they attract friends and admirers with ease. A committed relationship with a Sagittarius woman is unlikely to burn with the all-consuming passion of a Scorpio but it will light up your life with joy, optimism and a deep abiding companionship.
Related link:Dating a Sagittarius Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Girl. 
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Dating a Scorpio Man - When you Fall in Love with a Scorpion Guy.

Scorpio is the eight sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes  those born between 23rd October and 21st of November. Known for their intense and unyielding nature, Scorpios make for unforgettable relationships. Here are a few things to enjoy as well as be careful of when dating a Scorpio man.
For Scorpios, love is an all or nothing experience. There are no half-measures with them when wooing the partner of their dreams. So if you have just started dating a Scorpio guy, get ready to be completely swept off your feet. He is sure to go the whole length of wining and dining you besides landing the most amazing gifts in your lap. More than that, you will be completely bowled over by the depth and intensity of his emotions. Love is for him a throbbing, blood red passion and once is sure that you are the woman for him, he will be ready to go to the end of the world to make you his.
The flip side of a Scorpio lover’s intensity is an excess which can overwhelm the most sedate of women. While this trait seems flattering in the early stages of a relationship, after a while an emotional life which is perpetually high strung may become difficult to enjoy.  To the Scorpio man, love is an all-consuming passion. Not only does he take his love life very seriously, he expects his partner to reciprocate his feelings with the same white heat intensity. This is likely to scare away or at least unnerve women who are less comfortable with such overwhelming emotions. This is perhaps why most of the times Scorpio men are compatible with women from their own Zodiac sign who are able to withstand and even return their intensity.
Interestingly however, Scorpios are well known for their secrecy. Despite the fact, that they feel and believe strongly, they are able to hide their emotions beneath a calm and deliberate exterior. So when you first meet a Scorpio guy, you may be put off by his cautious and reserved nature. But underneath that still facade, you can be sure of a keen mind, working furiously to analyze your every word, move and display of emotion. Scorpios are believed to have very perceptive natures and can often see through superficiality, a quality which incidentally they hate. If you happen to really like a Scorpio guy, your best bet would be to be completely honest about yourself and your feelings for him. The more recourse you take to subterfuge and deceit, the further he will move away from you.
An extreme temperament is yet another distinctive characteristic of a Scorpio man. His world is largely made up of black and white entities with only rare shades of grey.  At first you may find him cautious and reticent regarding your relationship. However once he decides you are the partner for him, he is likely to amaze you with the intensity of his love and emotions. Likewise, when a relationship does not work out for a Scorpio, the relevant partner will cease to exist completely for him. If you happen to turn out as an ex, don’t even expect to continue as ‘friends’ with the guy or harbor secret hopes of enticing him to return to you. You can throw as many tantrums as you please or sell your soul to the Devil, once a Scorpio guy leaves, you have probably seen the last of him.
In keeping with the Scorpio penchant for extremes, is a possessive streak in relationships. Once you have said ‘yes’ to your Scorpio lover, he will expect you to honor that in letter and spirit. Unlike a Libran lover who can view things with equanimity, don’t expect your Scorpio guy to understand that your lunch date with an ex was just about ‘keeping up with each other’. For a Scorpio man, you either belong to him completely or you better have nothing to do with him at all. This possessiveness may turn out to be one of the major hurdles in a relationship with a Scorpio man. So before you decide to say ‘yes’ , ask yourself if you are ready for  this level of commitment in a relationship.
Related to the above characteristic of a Scorpio guy is his legendary vindictiveness, aptly symbolized by the Scorpion which carries a deadly sting in its tail. He is one person who will never forgive a hurt that he has received and no matter how much water has flown under the bridge, never forget it either. This hard, revengeful nature is one of the worst kept secrets of the Scorpio male and if you ever happen to dump one, be careful of ever crossing paths with him again. However, one could see this as the other side of a steadfast and deeply perceptive nature which goes to the heart of a matter and sees it as it actually is. This degree of acuteness makes it difficult for a Scorpio to be forgiving of deceit and duplicity and is probably responsible for his hard, unyielding nature.
When dating a Scorpio guy, you may find him disappear from your life now and then. This is because he needs to be by himself from time to time, probably as a way of balancing out his excessive involvement in emotions and surroundings. This is not only typical of the extreme temperament of a Scorpio but also one suspects, necessary to maintain the required level of sanity and perspective in daily living. So the next time, you find your Scorpio boyfriend turn elusive, he is probably recharging his batteries in his hideout tucked away in a remote spot near the sea or in the mountains.
Loving or hating with the tenacity and intensity of a Scorpion, there are no half-measures with the man who bears this Zodiac sign. A relationship with a Scorpio man may either be the worst or most fantastic you have ever had but one thing it will not be is, forgettable.
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Dating a Scorpio Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Scorpion Girl.

A Scorpio is one of the most complicated signs in the Zodiac. Born between 23rd October and 21st November, these people are intelligent, passionate but also possessive and sometimes vindictive. Here is what you can look forward to if you are dating a Scorpio woman.
The most noticeable aspect of a Scorpio is perhaps their intense natures and your girlfriend may be no different. A Scorpio woman is likely to be passionate in her emotions, loving and hating to the extreme. She would detest doing anything by half measures – she would either have all of an experience or nothing of it. She is likely to pour her entire self into the relationship and would expect no less from her partner. Which is why, a Scorpio woman makes one of the most passionate of lovers and a romantic relationship with her is one breathless experience after another. At the same time, once she changes partners, she will have nothing to do with an ex. You cannot be a former lover of a Scorpio and continue to be friends even after the relationship is over. For Scorpios, love is an all-or-nothing affair. A love life perpetually lived in the high key is not one for the faint-hearted but after experiencing its wild and hypnotic attraction, a man is unlikely to be happy with anything less.
Physical intimacy is an important part of a romantic relationship with Scorpios. For a woman who feels as strongly as she does, it is only natural that her emotions will find expression in physical passion too. Sex is likely to be wild and fun with your Scorpio girlfriend and she may even surprise you with an experimental move or two. But before that you need to gain her trust and that is not something to be taken lightly in a Scorpio.
Curiously, the tendency to give way to intense passions makes a Scorpio quite secretive too. This is in fact a survival tactic since wearing one’s on the sleeve all the time is akin to inviting disappointment and disaster. So you may find your Scorpio date quite reserved and cautious on the first couple of meetings. But don’t be taken by appearances since beneath that cool and collected exterior, she may be capable of experiencing tumultuous emotions and intense passions. More importantly however the quiet façade enables a Scorpio to judge the person before her with an amazing acuity. In fact Scorpios have an uncanny knack of looking straight into the heart of people and learning the truth about them. It is perhaps this curious ability which has lent shades of the psychic and occult to the bearers of the sign and particularly its women.  So if you are keen on making a good impression on your Scorpio girlfriend, your best bet is to be honest about yourself, since she may be able to look through deception and if there is one thing that Scorpios hate with all their hearts it is deceit and dishonesty.
Like everything else, a Scorpio tends to take his or her love life very seriously. While other women may date to have an active social life, for your Scorpio girlfriend it may be part of looking for a soul-mate, a love which is truly transcendental. And once found, she is unlikely to let it get away in a hurry. This tendency to hold on fiercely to their partners makes Scorpio lovers slightly possessive. Even though in the early stages of a relationship it may be flattering to think that someone needs you so much, later on the whole thing may begin to feel uncomfortable and even obsessive. For men who like their own emotional and physical space, the overwhelming attachment of a Scorpio woman may even lead to a feeling of claustrophobia and of being tied down.
Interestingly however, not all Scorpio women make jealous partners. For a temperament that is essentially possessive, one would expect a Scorpio girlfriend to go ballistic if you made so much as eye contact with another comely woman. However the strength of character and immense self-confidence of Scorpios makes them unlikely to be shaken by minor irritants. It is only when thought crosses over to action, then you had better watch out.
Watch out, because a Scorpio neither forgives nor forgets. Betraying a partner’s love and trust is the worst mistake you can make in a relationship with a Scorpio. This is because of the legendary instinct for revenge in a Scorpio. Not surprising since the Zodiac is symbolized by the Scorpion, a creature which bears a deadly sting in its tail. Like its symbol, a Scorpio will never forget a hurt and sooner or later will pay back in her own coin. So if you are a guy who has a Scorpio girlfriend and still meets up with his ex-flames over lunch dates, either you have a curious way of getting your emotional highs or simply like to live dangerously.
Scorpios are famous for their courage and tenacity and are thus useful people to have around in case of an emergency. They are not afraid to take up a task, no matter how impossible it may seem, and will see it through till the end. In keeping with their fixed sign, they are also extremely determined and will not opt out of a course, come what may. So if you are looking for a long term partner who will stand by you through the ups and downs of life and give you a hand in weathering all kinds of crises, a Scorpio is the woman for you.
Intense, complicated and unpredictable – a Scorpio woman revels in all these qualities. Most of all she likes being in control of her own destiny and of her relationship. She is unapologetic about her own powerful persona and in fact is attracted to the same kind of self-assurance and magnetism in others. A Scorpio woman is in search of a man who is confident and strong enough to take her for what she is and expects nothing less.
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Dating a Libra Man - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Guy.

As the seventh sign in the Zodiac calendar, Libra includes all those born from 23rd September to 23rd October. Librans are lovers of beauty, society and harmony, the last of which is indicated by the symbol of the Scales. Read on to know more about the finer points of a relationship with a Libra man.
In his love life, a Libran man will tend to seek balance and elegance of form. He likes to be surrounded by beauty, hardly surprising for a sign that is ruled by the planet Venus who in classical mythology was the reigning goddess of love, sexuality and beauty. A Libra man will shrink back from anything that is overpowering and smothering, rather he will be drawn to a beauty that conveys a harmonious mingling of qualities. So if you wish to attract a Libra guy, make sure he is introduced to a pleasing personality.  As far as physical appearances go, avoid violent contrasts, jarring colors and too many frills. Librans usually have excellent and rather expensive tastes; they are cultured, refined and go for beautiful things. So on a date with him, take care to turn out in clean-cut designs, classic colors and an elegant style.
Because of their equanimity, Librans are a huge hit in social situations. They are positive, friendly and easy to get along with. Those born under this sign will always be ready with the right thing to say and always know how to make someone comfortable. Perhaps this is why, a Libran will figure as a regular on the guest list of the best parties and gatherings in town. In fact it is probable that you met your Libran boyfriend at such a party where he may have been surrounded by friends and admirers, both male and female. While his excellent social skills may be an advantage when it comes to introducing him to your friends and family, you may at times be bugged by his tendency to be nice and pleasant to everybody, showing that he is not one to have strong favorites.
The Libran male is well known for his sparkling charm which crowns an intelligent and sociable personality. It is a delight to know such a guy who will intuitively make you feel like a queen and can sweep you off your feet with romantic words and gestures. If he is really smitten by you, he will think nothing of taking you through the whole courtship thing. But be prepared to find out that he is a little flirty like this with a lot of women and his attentions are usually spread out quite evenly.
This brings to the fore an interesting aspect of the Libran lover – a curious ability to remain detached from an emotional situation even as he plays Prince Charming to the hilt. Emotions are messy, inconvenient things to a Libra guy and he prefers not to wade too deep into them. Like the element Air which rules this sign, Librans can maintain an airy detachment from very personal situations. As his partner, you may at times get frustrated by his tendency to stand back and look upon a situation rather than feel it in his flesh and bones.  However instead of viewing it as a lack of emotional involvement on your Libran boyfriend’s part, take it as yet another instance of his discomfort with any kind of extremes and his innate love of harmony.
Suitably appropriate for a sign which bears the symbol of Scales, a Libran cares deeply about fairplay and justice. So if you wish to attract a Libra guy, make sure that he never sees you acting in an unjust and dishonest manner. The same sense of fairplay in Libra also makes him a good diplomat and a conciliator. This is because he mentally weighs both sides of an affair and then comes to a decision. He excels in situations which demand collaboration and co-operation rather than confrontation. This is an invaluable trait in a partner since at times of crisis, you know that he will take a deep breath, consider all options as well as aspects of the problem and then go ahead with a spirit of co-operation. If any guy is least likely to be hot-heated, violent and hasty in breaking up, perhaps it is a Libran. At the same time, his innate sense of fairplay will immediately oppose any visible instance of unjust or unfair treatment. This coupled with a willingness to take the initiative, makes a Libra man a natural choice in resolving conflicts and opening deadlocks.
The flip side of a Libran’s balanced personality is a vacillating and undecided nature. He may take too long in coming to a decision or veer from one extreme to another before finding equilibrium in life. So you should not be surprised to know that while in high school your boyfriend had been into acid rock, in college he discovered the austere beauty of cathedral music and has now more or less settled for Mozart’s magic. Furthermore his aversion of conflict may mean that he does not like to face up to the difficult aspects of a relationship and avoids talking of unpleasant or painful subjects. This could be a challenge if you are in a serious relationship with a Libra man since an inability to confront the truth, however uncomfortable, and a tendency to buy peace, whatever the cost, is hardly healthy for long term relationships.
Librans make amazing partners. So whether you have just started dating one or been in a relationship with one for some time, you are sure to appreciate the value of a charming, intelligent and equable personality that a Libran man brings with him. Even though he may take some time to decide if you are the woman for him, it might be worth the wait. This is because sooner or later a Libran needs a committed partner to feel truly complete in life and when he does, you will be ready for one of the most fulfilling of relationships ever.
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Dating a Libra Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Girl.

Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between September 23 and October 22. The women of this sign have oodles of charm and grace, which is which is why they make some of the most delightful dating partners in the zodiac.
The first thing that you are likely to notice about a Libra woman is the perfection of her social graces. She is charming, communicative and easy-going, all of which make her extremely popular among friends and acquaintances. She has natural social abilities and has a knack of making people comfortable around her. While she may not be the one to suggest an evening out, she will surely find a way to get you to ask her. And once she says yes to a date, decide on a social scene like a fancy restaurant where there are likely to be beautiful, smart people about her. On the other hand, if you want it to be more of a casual setting, take her out dancing to a classy nightclub where she may even be glad to bump into some friend of hers.
A Libra woman is charming and pleasant to be with. During a conversation, you can trust her to fill up any awkward silences. Also she is usually very observant and will be quick to pick up verbal as well as non-verbal cues from her partner. If she is having a good time with you, she will find a way to let you know without being obvious about it. Agreeable manners, a light seductiveness and only a touch of mystery - all these qualities make a Libra woman one of the most delightful and popular dating partners.
However, Librans are slow to get involved in emotional relationships. They find deeply sensitive people slightly bewildering and will shrink away from messy personal situations. Excessive display of emotions is almost embarrassing for them. This could be because the ruling element of this zodiac sign is Air, which is why a Libran treats personal relationships with an airy detachment. So while your girlfriend may make an excellent partner for a casual date, if you are depending on her to accompany you to a family occasion like a wedding or a Thanksgiving dinner, she may ask for some time to think about it.
The most definitive quality of a Libra perhaps is a balanced temperament. People of this sign are capable of looking at a situation from various perspectives instead of rushing to take a stand on it. Small wonder then that the icon which symbolizes this zodiac is the Scales which stands for a balanced outlook and an equable temperament. This trait is also responsible for the Libran’s excellent social skills since people are attracted to her moderate nature and the absence of extremes.
Librans find it necessary to have harmony in their lives. They are repulsed by outrageous behavior and an ugly mentality. In their external manifestation, these traits take on the form of an immaculate taste and a highly evolved aesthetic sense. So when going on a date with a Libra woman you must pay the greatest attention to what you wear, how you smell and appear to others. More likely than not, her tastes will veer towards the elegant and the timeless with clean cut designs and classic styles. It would be a good idea to refrain from loud colors, knockout colognes and gold bracelets. If they can afford it, Librans will most often be found to possess expensive paintings, sculptures or other works of art. Even those who are not as well-off will at least surround themselves with some evidence of beauty like a Persian rug, a potted geranium or an antique vase. So if you keen to give your Libran girlfriend the perfect gift, keep an eye out for something beautiful and classy.
Another quality among Librans that is exemplified by the symbol of the Scales is a desire for fairplay and justice. Their innate ability to see an issue from multiple perspectives makes them a natural diplomat or a conciliator. For this very reason, A Libra is a master collaborator too which is evident from the way he or she will convince people of diverse opinions to agree to work together. You can see this trait in your Libra girlfriend too when she plays the peacemaker in the family, soothing ruffled feathers and bringing about cheer and goodwill.
The downside of a Libran’s diplomatic trait is an unwillingness to take a strong stand even when the gravity of the situation demands it.  Similarly they may take too long to make up their minds and often vacillate between extremes till they find a personal equilibrium. The desire for harmony may also slide into an inability to confront harsh realities of life. Your girlfriend, like many others of her zodiac, may turn away from unpleasant situations or refuse to talk about uncomfortable issues. While this may not have much bearing on a casual affair, in case of deeper relationships it is crucial for partners to be able to trust and honestly talk to each other.
A Libra woman is much more than a social butterfly. While it is true that she has among the best social graces in the zodiac, she also has a clear and impartial mind to add substance to her personality. Best of all is her belief in the value of truth and fairplay without which many of those with stronger convictions may find it difficult to change the world.
Curiously enough for a person to shun emotional entanglements, a Libra is happiest when part of a team, especially one which has two members like two halves of the Scale.  And in her subconscious self, she may be searching for the ultimate team-maker of all – marriage. So even if your Libra girlfriend seems to be taking forever to make up her mind about you, rest assured that when she does, she will have found the equilibrium she has been searching for all along. And knowing her love of harmony, it is not one which she will disturb in a hurry.
Related link:Dating a Libra Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Girl.
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Dating a Virgo Man - When you Fall in Love with a Virgo Guy.

Those born in between 23rd August and 23rd September carry the zodiac sign of the Virgo or the Virgin. Perfectionism is both the boon and bane of people born under this sign and naturally it informs their personal relationships as well. Here are a few things to keep in mind when dating a Virgo.
A Virgo man is legendary for his pursuit of perfectionism. There is nothing shoddy or half-hearted about what he does. A believer in the maxim that what is worth doing is worth doing well, he is often exacting and uncompromising in his high standards. The best way that this will affect his love life will be a whole-hearted involvement in his partner and what makes her happy. While going out with this guy, you can be sure that he has done his homework. In other words he will take you to a restaurant which he personally knows has the best service, order the tastiest of cuisines and choose the finest of wines.
The flip side of this perfectionism is that he will demand the same level of excellence from you. The very search for the optimum which ensured that he bought the most perfect of gifts for your birthday is likely to point out if your ikebana arrangement is less than flattering or the pie charts in your boardroom presentation slightly less than accurate. Having said that, it needs to be emphasized that this critical streak in a Virgo is never for selfish reasons – it is most often to help others be the best they can. If he does point out a lack of seasoning in you Bolognaise sauce, it is not because he is fond of spicy food himself, but because he does not want your lovingly-cooked holiday dinner to be a disaster.
The meticulous attention to detail that a Virgo is famous for is likely to inform your love life as well. A Virgo lover may pore long and deep into the dynamics of your relationship and think for ways to improve what is already there, which if you are lucky would also mean how to make you happy. This is particularly welcome in a guy since men are notorious for sticking to the superficials in a relationship. However don’t freak out if you find your Virgo boyfriend obsessing about some aspect of your love life since it is in his fastidious nature to read too much in between the lines.
One of the most pleasing aspects of a Virgo man is his modest and sedate temperament, as befitting one who carries the sign of the Virgin. For one who has perhaps survived the megalomania of a Leo or the bossiness of a Taurus, it is a relief to bask in the soothing rays of a moderate and temperate Virgo nature. At the same time, he may be quite surprisingly insecure inside and so you may need to assure him of your love and fidelity from time to time.
A Virgo loves to please and this is a delight coming from men who have been genetically wired, as it were, to believe that they are the dominant species. If dating a Virgo you will be thrilled to find that he will go an extra mile to get you the exact seats you wanted at a concert or the very shade of blue that you wanted in a scarf so that it can go with your new skirt. This willingness to please and help others is what makes a Virgo excel in situations that demand teamwork. Trust a Virgo with a job and you know he will not only get it done but also get it right the first time. A Virgo takes his tasks very seriously and has a high sense of responsibility. This trait coupled with his innate industrious and hardworking nature, makes him the one person to invest with matters of the greatest importance. Which, to come to think of it, is not such a bad thing if you want to show him off to your successful family.
If you rate practicality higher than sentiment even in matters of love, then a Virgo is definitely the man for you. Despite their inward and pedantic nature, a Virgo is realistic and practical. While he may not write volumes of poetry praising the arch of your left foot, he will make sure that you have the most comfortable rooms in your vacation suite with exactly the right view of the ocean. This is because a Virgo man is down to earth and even as a lover he is interested in those actions that end in tangible results. So when he talks about a plan, you can be sure that his words will be followed by action, unlike a Gemini who is more likely to talk just for the thrill of hearing his own voice.
Multi-tasking comes naturally to all Virgos. Ruled by the planet Mercury who was also the swift-footed messenger of gods in classical mythology, a Virgo can handle several tasks – physical as well as intellectual – at the same time. They thrive in high pressure competitive environments which bring out the best of this industrious and meticulous nature. If you are wondering how this will impact your love life, remember that your Virgo lover can prove to be something of a workaholic. He may have a tendency to put off parties when neck deep in some project and may find it difficult to separate his personal and professional lives. However if you know that this is the guy for you, find a way of going on with your social life without him and rest assured that once he is through with his tasks, he will transfer the same single-minded attention to you.
The combination of an industrious and perfectionist nature is often responsible for Virgo men taking their time in deciding about a life partner. He will say yes only when he is sure about you but once he does you can be certain that this is something he really wants and is not a momentary affair.
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Dating a Virgo Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Virgo Girl.

Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and includes all those born from 23rd of August to 23rd of September. A desire for perfection marks the Virgo personality as well as the dynamics of their personal relationships. Read on to know the best way to date a Virgo woman and match up to her standards.
Virgos are nothing if not perfectionists. If given a job, they will drown themselves in it and emerge only when it is done. But done, according to the highest standards in their personal rule-book. This is because they believe that if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. So if you are planning to ask your Virgo girlfriend out this Friday evening, make sure that you have planned the date down to the last detail - like the color of the ribbon on the bouquet of flowers. Virgos do not like shoddy work and if she finds you careless about dates, she may see this as a hint that you tend to take personal relationships with equal nonchalance.
Another trait which closely goes with their perfectionism is the Virgo’s meticulous nature. They go into the heart of every issue or task and examine it with minute detail. So you can expect the same close attention focused on your relationship. Your Virgo girlfriend may go into the implications of every word and gesture from you, especially in the early stages of your relationship when she still doesn’t know you very well. On the other hand, you may be flattered by the effort she will take to make you happy or the hard work that she will willingly put into the relationship. On your birthday, she may just decide to surprise with a home-cooked dinner, complete with sparkling dinnerware, your favorite music and the champagne cooled to the exact degree of perfection.
One of the most pleasing aspects of a Virgo girlfriend is her willingness to help. Like others of her Zodiac she is not one to shy away from hard work and commitment, especially if it will help others in some way. Perhaps this is because she is ruled by the planet Mercury who in classical Roman mythology was the extremely busy messenger of gods, racing against time to deliver missives from one divine being to another. While this trait of selfless service can be one of the top draws in a woman, if overdone it is likely to scare many a guy away. A Virgo woman can easily become insistent and overbearing in her desire to do something for someone but especially to do it in the right way.
Eve though, Virgos bear the symbol of the Virgin, it does not automatically stand to imply that they are prudish or sexually repressed. While wild passion does not rank among their top priorities in a romantic relationship, they do not shy away from coming close to their partners – albeit in a more private and inhibited manner. The zodiac symbol of the Virgin rather implies the modest and humane nature of Virgos. According to an interesting account, the Virgin actually symbolizes the goddess of the harvest. Depicted with a sheaf of corn in her hand, she stands for the fruit of labor or the harvest that one reaps after putting in the right amount of hard work. This too is an apt symbol for Virgos who are known for their industrious nature.
The downside of the Virgo’s meticulous and industrious personality is they are apt to become the warning signs of the “All work and no play” syndrome. It is not uncommon to find workaholics among the ranks of Virgos and your girlfriend too may be one of them. So if you find your date appearing almost an hour late on account of being held up at work or even putting in some overtime on a Friday evening, more likely than not she is a Virgo. While this overlapping of the professional life into personal time may be disconcerting for her partner, it is well to remember that a Virgo woman will bring the same amount of dedication and investment into a relationship when the latter gets her full attention.
The flipside of a Virgo’s drive for perfectionism is an exacting even critical nature. She may judge her partner by the same impossibly-high standards that she holds in her own life and demand that he too maintain them in their personal relationship.  This may be asking for too much from a guy who is content to laze away the better part of a Sunday in the company of beer cans or who does not think too much of the fact that he did not celebrate the second anniversary of the first time he had kissed his girlfriend. But if that girlfriend is a Virgo, she is likely not only to remember the day but even notice that her partner has forgotten all about it.
The element associated with Virgos is the Earth and this is in keeping with their grounded natures. A Virgo woman will thus be practical and concerned with activities which have a tangible outcome. Blessed with a sensible mind and a discriminating eye, she will be attracted only to those ventures, professional as well as personal, which can be taken to a logical conclusion. The airy brilliance of Geminis or the flowing imagination of the Pisceans is not for her. Rather she will give more attention to details of your credit rating, the kind of relationship you share with your parents and whether your tie matches the jacket.
One of the interesting aspects of the meticulous nature of Virgos is the attention they pay to matters of health and diet. So while dating your Virgo girlfriend, you may be given a lowdown on the merits of organic food and the best way to avoid cardio-vascular problems in future. While all this may appear sententious to some guys, the truth is few things in life are as important as sound health. And what better way to follow a balanced lifestyle than have the love of your life inspire you towards it!
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Dating a Leo Man - When you Fall in Love with a Leo Guy.

Much like the King of the Jungle whose sign they bear, men born into this Zodiac – 22nd of July to 23rd of August – like to live life king size. This expansiveness influences all aspects of their lives including personal relationships. Here are a few fine points on what it is to date a Leo man.
A Leo typically needs to be the center of attention. Unlike a Gemini guy, who easily turns out to be the life and soul of a party, a Leo is equally at home being a leader of men, the driving force in a boardroom, the toast of the artistic world besides ruling any other social situation. You may be disconcerted to see this trait slide very easily into vanity and a tendency to show off. But then he is the King after all! So if have set your sights on a Leo man, learn to live under the spotlights. Better still, leave the limelight to him without being overly-critical of his showy and extravagant nature.
Generosity of nature is what chiefly attracts women to a Leo man. Men born under this sign are open and warm with a sincere temperament. They are expansive in their love and feelings so you can be sure that when a Leo guy is taking you out, it will be to the best place he can afford. He is unlikely to be stingy in his love, both emotionally and materially. This guy will readily give a lot to the relationship and quickly allow you to become a part of  his life, even though it may sometimes mean sharing him with his gallery of admirers.
The flip side of an extravagant nature in a Leo is, however, that he tends to be arrogant. A Leo male will typically think that he knows the best and others would do well to follow him. He has very definite opinions and has never heard of things like putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. This lack of flexibility or ability to see an alternate side of the matter is what makes living with a Leo sometimes trying to the nerves, especially if you are a woman who is equally certain of her own convictions. Again, his constant need to be the King at his court may leave you feeling unimportant and at times even unwanted. You may feel that you have been reduced to playing the courtier or even an echo of your more gregarious partner. The wise thing here would be not to rush into a direct confrontation with him since the Lion when roused to temper can be a very dangerous opponent. Rather use tact and patience to appeal to his essentially generous nature and see how far you can get along.
A Leo man thrives in a world of creativity and self-expression. So even if your Leo lover holds a staid corporate job, he is most likely to be associated with an amateur dramatics club in his spare time, probably as a charismatic actor or director. So if you are serious about this Leo guy you are dating, make sure that there is an element of the drama in your love life. A Leo male is all about La Passion Grande and extravagant gestures of love. So don’t feel above devising a little spectacle now and then to hold the attention of a Leo lover. Above all, encourage his need for a creative outlet instead of grumbling about rehearsals and the time spent away from you. A Leo needs to put his own stamp on any project he undertakes, which is why personal involvement means a lot to him.
Abundance of energy is yet another trait in a Leo man. Your date will think nothing of packing in a scuba-diving session, a shopping spree at the antique market, a local dance recital and an excellent seafood dinner when on a short vacation to the beaches of Goa. He likes to be involved in several activities but unlike an Aries or Gemini guy, your Leo is capable of handling big projects. This is one of the many reasons which make him a natural leader of men. But again, if you are an adrenalin junkie yourself, don’t push your Leo lover into too many things at the same time. Like the King of the Jungle, a Leo male too doesn’t take kindly to being rushed and prodded. Instead he likes to move at his own pace and take short breaks in between tasks.
A Leo man is also exceedingly proud of his home which is likely to be sprawling and full of larger than life paintings or exhibits. He is protective of his family and likes to be surrounded by them when he is at home. This however does not mean that he is willing to take over the routine  mundane responsibilities of a domestic life. So if you are waiting for your Leo lover to help you with the dishes after a grueling day at work, you better get started yourself! However he is generous and sentimental about his family to a fault and will rarely deny them any comfort or luxury.
One thing you must avoid when in relationship with a Leo is being unfaithful. This is a man who puts great counter on loyalty and belonging. Straying into an affair not only goes against his personal code of love and honor but also an affront to his position as the head of a family or a leader in society. Think of the lion’s rage upon discovering a lioness of his pride carrying on with an upstart and you will know what to stay away from.
A Leo male needs his woman to be elegant and colorful. Don’t expect this man to see only your inner worth when you turn 
up in a crumpled shirt and frizzy hair. A Leo likes to be surrounded by beauty and passion and like the Sun which rules his sign, he is undoubtedly the Monarch of all he surveys.

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Dating a Leo Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Leo Girl.

One of the most spectacular signs of the Zodiac, a Leo seeks warmth and attention in personal relationships. People with this sign are born between July 23 and August 22. Here are a few useful insights on what it may be like to date or be in a relationship with a Leo woman.
Being under the spotlight comes naturally to a Leo woman. This zodiac sign is ruled by the sun which stands at the center of the solar system while all the planets revolve around it. Similarly a Leo woman will expect to be center the attention in practically every situation but especially in social ones. And woe betides the man who forgets this cardinal fact. So if you are planning to take your Leo girlfriend out to dinner, make sure it is a place where the service is especially good and don’t forget to arrange for the band to play her favorite song while ensuring that her name in the dedication is mentioned loud and clear. On the other hand if you are a man who is not comfortable being in the shadows while his partner basks in the limelight, perhaps this woman is not for you.
One of the main attractions of a Leo woman is her vibrant and dynamic personality. Not unlike the symbol, the Lion, that this zodiac bears, everything about her seems larger than life. She is apt to have a colorful but stylish wardrobe and love jewelry like diamonds which make her dazzle in the crowd. Her ambitions are likely to touch the sky and her lifestyle will be extravagant. While dating this woman, remember that she thinks and likes to live like a queen. So if you want to impress her, take her to the most expensive restaurant you can afford, get the best seats at a concert and make sure she sees you leaving a hefty tip to the valet.
Together with an extravagant personality of a Leo, comes a warm, generous heart. You will not usually find a Leo being mean to someone – in a temper maybe, but petty, very rarely.  If you take her fancy, she will love with a passion totally in sync with her flamboyant nature, even indulging your small whims with the generosity of a queen who can do as much for her favorites.  If a Leo woman likes to have her luxuries, trust her to splurge on a gift for you too. She may actually go through the trouble of obtaining a bottle of Pinot Noir or a Cartier watch for you on your birthday.
Again a romantic relationship with a Leo woman is unlikely to be a tame affair. Love for her is not about being buddies or pining away in devotion. It is a grand passion to be played out with all the flamboyance and intensity of a leonine temperament.  In fact Leo men and women like to have a bit of theatricality in their love lives. So if you want to retain the interest of your Leo girlfriend, make sure that you add an element of thrill or drama to your relationship. Surprising her with extravagant gestures, arranging meetings in out-of-the-way settings and indulging in some role-play will go a long way in keeping her hooked to you.
Like all other members of this Zodiac, a Leo woman too loves to have a large family about her. Think of the lion in the jungle surrounded by his pride and lording over them. However like the lion too, she is unlikely to be interested in the actual running of a house or the bringing up of children. Family for her means all the more people to enjoy with and look up to her. The daily routine of a domestic life is likely to bore her since she is happiest playing the queen of the house. Interestingly, a Leo can be quite sentimental about his or her family, so expect your Leo girlfriend to cry buckets on family weddings and reunions but then happily place herself at the center of the crowd for the family shoot.
A Leo’s tendency to seek the limelight can at times lead to vanity and an obsession with the self. She may be slow to understand someone else’s feelings and slower to respond to them. The emotional connection that is so necessary in a relationship may be lacking since a Leo woman is primarily concerned with her own needs and desires. Partners can feel pushed to the sidelines if a Leo insists on taking the center stage all the time. A successful relationship requires both partners to be receptive of each other’s needs and emotions. Having said that, loyalty and honor score highly with Leo lovers. She may be happiest with admiring friends and family around her, but once she gives her heart to you, she is unlikely to cheat on you. At the same time, what she wants is respect and fidelity from her partner in the long run, much more than attention and expensive baubles.
Again a Leo’s self-obsessed nature may appear overbearing and autocratic at times. The know-it-all attitude can be put up with only for so long. You may find your Leo girlfriend believe that only she knows best and no other opinion matters. In fact if met with opposition, a Leo can be roused to a fearful rage and be goaded into hasty even destructive actions.
Like the element – Fire – associated with this Zodiac much about the Leo is intense and fiery. They make one of the most romantic of all lovers, are devoted and generous. But an exclusive concern with their own selves can also make them selfish and insensitive at times. Interestingly however, beneath that shiny vain exterior, a Leo woman may be curiously insecure. She may need repeated assurances of your love to know that when the lights are dimmed and the show is over, you will be still waiting for her, that she can come back to you at the end of it all.
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Dating a Cancer Man - When you Fall in Love with a Cancerian Guy.

Bearing the sign of the Crab, Cancerians are legendary for their emotional sensitivity and homely nature. And these are only two of the many qualities which make for a fulfilling relationship with a Cancer man. Coming as the fourth sign of the Zodiac, it includes all those born between 21st June and 22nd July.
If dating a Cancerian male, you can look forward to an emotionally satisfying relationship. Not only is he emotional himself, but is gentle and highly sensitive to your wishes and needs too. He has an instinctive sense of people and their desires and finds it easy to be sympathetic to others. This is probably because of the fact that the sign is ruled by the Moon, a feminine energy and a ruler of moods. So when you are upset about something, here is a man who will intuitively lend you his shoulder. And after you have slaved away all evening to cook a handsome dinner for him, you can expect his eyes to come alight with joy and may be even blink away a tear or two.
Since emotions play a strong role in personal relationships with a Cancer, think twice before saying or doing anything to hurt him. A Cancerian male can be extremely vulnerable to criticism and will retreat into his shell if his feelings have been hurt. He can also be more jealous than others since small things that other lovers would brush off would make him brood and unhappy. He has a strong need for emotional security and so it is important that you assure him of your love and the fact that you will always stand by him.
Loyalty is yet another quality which you can be assured of in a Cancer guy. These men are true to their partners and expect the very same from them too. Perhaps this is what makes a Cancerian male slightly possessive as a lover and inclined to be upset if you are anywhere but by his side. So if you intend to hold on to your Cancer guy, be sure to tell him that he can count on your love and support and then follow it through.
You may be secretly thrilled to find out that your Cancerian lover is looked upon as a leader by other men. His innate sense of loyalty means that he can be relied upon to help in matters of emergency. Furthermore he is considerate of others, solicitous of their needs and has an intrinsic sense of responsibility – which is a good thing if you have been planning to take this man home to meet your family. At the same time while you may take for granted his walking your dog every evening, the same sense of being responsible will also lead him to sit by a sick neighbor or help out an errand boy with a few extra bucks. Despite being gentle and quick to help others, a Cancer man can also be tenacious and strong-willed. Once having taken a decision, he is most likely to insist on having his way and may not even be above using a little emotional manipulation to do so.
The mascot of the Crab is the strongest indicator of the one philosophy that rules a Cancerian’s life – his love of home and domestic pleasures. Like the crab which carries its home around on its back, a Cancer is proud of his home and family, which will, more likely than not, be large and include the whole extended clan besides close family and friends. The legendary memory of a Cancer guy will find expression on long winter evenings of family stories before a crackling fire or around the large dinner table groaning under dishes of every kind. If you feel this is exactly your idea of what a perfect evening is, go for the man by all means. However remember that he may have a tendency of worrying too much about his family or smothering them with excessive attention. But then this the family man for you!
A Cancer man is a lover of many things and not the least of them is nature. While dating a cancer guy, don’t be surprised to find out that one of his most ardent desires is to own a mountain cabin by the side of a gurgling stream or a house on the beach which is lapped by tiny waves night and day. This is the point to have second thoughts if you are a diehard city girl and feel the country is for the rustic and retirees. On the other hand, if you too share his love of the outdoors, it would probably be a relationship that would derive great sustenance and vitality from nature.
The very quality that makes your Cancerian lover so thoughtful of your feelings makes him overemotional too. This is a guy who is likely to be upset over minor things and draw into a shell. Think of a crab and you will realize that during such times no amount of tears and tantrums can make him come around. He will reappear when he is ready to and not before that. It is this streak that makes Cancerians masters of passive resistance. So despite their kindly and solicitous nature, the few people who have unsuccessfully tried to pry open their shell know that they can be reserved and secretive too.
Yet another thing to look forward to while in a relationship with Cancer guy is his intuitive almost uncanny ability to handle money. A Cancer guy may or may not be very rich, but he is exceedingly unlikely to be broke. The cautious nature of a Cancerian rules out any extravagance or unnecessary expenditure. While this trait may seem to border on the miserly sometimes, especially when he passes by the solitaire section to buy you a string of pearls, it is a sign of his careful and domestic nature.
So if you want to have your Cancer man for keeps, give him a peaceful and comfortable home to come back to. Let him have his space but also be there for him when he needs you. And you can be sure to have one of the most fulfilling of relationships on your hands.
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Dating a Cancer Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Cancerian Girl.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born from 22nd June to 22nd July. Emotional and family-oriented, Cancer men and women make for extremely fulfilling relationships. So if you are dating a Cancer girl, here is what you can look forward to.
Emotions form an important part of a romantic relationship for a Cancer woman. She is sensitive to how her partner handles her feelings and desires and can edge away if met with indifference or aggression. So if your girlfriend is concerned about a co-worker, make sure you hear her out and reciprocate with compassion instead of telling her to forget about problems that have nothing to do with her. Above all the Cancer woman needs to feel emotionally close to her lover, in tune with what he is thinking and feeling, in order to feel happy in the relationship.
The moon is the ruling planet for a Cancer which makes women of this zodiac sign highly feminine and seductive. Like the lunar influence which draws the tides in the ocean, a Cancer woman when in the mood, can attract a man to her without so much as lifting her delicate little finger. This is because of their innate charm, sympathetic natures and pleasing manners which are usually enough to bowl over a guy.
An essential aspect of the Cancer’s personality is a love for home and family – hardly surprising since they bear the symbol of the Crab, a creature which is happy to lug around its house on its back. In women this trait is manifested in a maternal and caring nature. A Cancer woman is likely to be the happiest at the center of a large family and comfortable home. In fact, they may even have a matriarchal streak which makes them the figure of authority in the extended family. On the whole however they are content to whip up large hearty meals and preside over the dinner table with old family tales. Interestingly, a Cancer woman can become quite ruthless – once again like its Zodiac symbol, the Crab – when she senses danger to her home and hearth. Even if your Cancer girlfriend is still single, you may find her eagerly awaiting Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners at the family home. Or perhaps she may surprise you from time to time by arranging your wardrobe and feeling quite happy about it too.
However this nurturing bent can seem to get smothering at times. A Cancer woman is quite adept at taking over her partner’s home and then go on to insist that the linen be kept in the top drawer and nowhere else. While most men would welcome a woman’s touch in their usually-unkempt pads, too much interference can drive away the faint-hearted among them.
Similarly the much-celebrated sensitive soul of a Cancer can act with an unnerving duality. While your girlfriend’s emotional bent of mind can help her to be aware of your thoughts and feelings, at the same time, it can make her overly touchy. You may find her quick to take offence when confronted with an alternate opinion or opposition. Any hint of criticism and you are likely to find your girlfriend withdraw into a shell, begin to sulk or dissolve into a flood of tears, all the while refusing to talk about what went wrong. And when Cancerians do get into one of their legendary ‘moods’, it is entirely up to them how long they will last. Just like a crab in its shell, no amount of prodding and provoking will make her emerge from a self-imposed retreat. She will come back to you when she is ready and not before that.
One of the challenges about dating a Cancer woman is figuring out what she really wants.  Because of her own deeply emotional nature, she will expect you, as her lover, to be in tune with her secret wishes and desires. So if you ask your Cancer girlfriend where would she like to go on a Saturday night and she says, “I don’t know, you decide”, it is her way of telling you to go back on all your conversations over the last two weeks and glean the part where in a small voice she may have mentioned an antique shop tucked in a quiet part of the town that she has always wanted to browse through. However in absence of any kind of verbal cue, it would be more or less safe to take a Cancer girl to any place that has to do with good food and drink. So for your next date, check out the new restaurant that claims to serve homely Southern food and then when her eyes light up at the place, tell her that you just knew that something like this would make her happy.
A Cancer woman likes emotional security in relationships and often sees marriage as the natural culmination of a romantic relationship. So if you are not ready to settle down in the immediate future, maybe you should not get serious about your Cancer girlfriend. Again her need to feel assured in love can also give way to fits of jealousy during which she will build a wall around her, give in to brooding or go into a self-pity mode. Even though less spectacular than the jealous rages of a Leo woman or less dangerous than a Scorpio female’s venom, your Cancer girl may be equally adept at making her point felt with you.
Overall Cancerians are some of the most agreeable people to be with and a woman of this zodiac is usually more compatible than others. Just be sure to infuse lots of romance into your relationship and be sensitive to her feelings and needs. In return your girlfriend will delight you with a sweet and caring companionship. And if you are the type of guy who likes his woman to be feminine and homely, you need not look any further than your Cancer woman.
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