Saturday, June 29, 2013

How To Keep Him Interested In You And The Relationship
One of the many things a woman with a special someone could struggle with is how to keep him interested in her and their relationship. But how can a woman keep him interested if she can’t be with him most of the time and is always busy? Keeping your man madly in love with you is a very vital part of a relationship. We all know that in any relationship, there are always ups and downs. No one ever says that they have never had any relationship problems. Today, you may be the sweetest couple in the entire world, but tomorrow, it might be a completely different story. Women love to be considered beautiful. They spend long hours taking care of themselves with workouts, primping, etc.. They usually want to standout even on ordinary days. Long curled lashes, high-heeled shoes, sexy dresses and purses make their day. If you are like that kind of woman, then there is no complaint about that but, do you think that is what really keeps your man’s attention on you? Remember that your aim is not only to keep him interested for just one night. If you plan to spend the rest of your lives together, then you need to learn the secrets in keeping him interested for a lifetime. Here are some tips to keep him interested: 1.) Make every single day special. You don’t need any reason to celebrate with him. You don’t need to wait for your anniversary to schedule a special dinner. Every day can be a special day and little things will do. Those little things that show how much you value him are those that matter the most. Do you still surprise him once in a while? Every moment should be special when two people are in love. 2.) Never make him feel that he has wasted his time with you. Instead, let him feel how lucky he is to have you. Doing little thoughtful things like getting movie tickets for you both over the weekend, cooking his favorite dish for dinner let him know you are on his mind. Try to be your best self. Stay in love by communicating often. Be sincere. Show respect. Make him feel how special he is. 3.) Keep the mystery alive. Slowly give your man insights about you but don’t tell him everything about you during the first few days of your relationship. Take your time and let him get to know you. 4.) Be open to trying new things. Guys love a woman with varied interests. Be honest and open to your guy but leave a little mystery- this gives the relationship spark. 5.) Keep your hobbies. Did drinks with the girls on Thursday night when you were single? Keep it up. Continue all of your solo hobbies. Make him fit into YOUR schedule, at least at first. You’re interesting, so stay that way. Don’t drop everything each time he calls. The more you stay interested in your hobbies and complete them without him, the more enticing you become. Having a little space in the relationship is a great thing. All these things are essential in any relationship especially if you are wondering how to keep him interested in you and your relationship. Never skip moments that you think will make your relationship stronger, but make sure you stay on balance by taking time for yourself. Please visit our site for more blogs , news and connections:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dating a Sagittarius Man - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Guy.

Lively and outspoken, Sagittarians believe in looking at the brighter side of things. People with this Zodiac sign are born between 22nd November and 21st December. The positive mantra that informs their daily life also colors their personal relationships and opens up untold worlds for their partners. Here are a few insights into dating and loving a Sagittarius man.
Sagittarians are nothing if not optimistic. If you are dating a guy born into this zodiac, you will find that even the worst kind of a Monday traffic or the rainiest of days in autumn is unlikely to dampen his pleasure in seeing you. He is ready to greet an unpleasant experience with the same smile that he lavishes on a happy occasion. This positive outlook is one of the most attractive qualities in Sagittarians and few people are able to resist the sunshine that radiates from these happy beings.
A thirst for knowledge is what distinguishes a Sagittarian from someone who is merely happy-go-lucky. If the man you are dating has an unquenchable desire to discover the unknown and learn about everything new that he comes across, chances are that he is a Sagittarian. Like the Archer which symbolizes this zodiac sign, a Sagittarius aims high at the star of knowledge and reaches for all that is waiting to be discovered. Your Sagittarian lover is equally likely to be thrilled at the prospect of travels to far and near destinations as of a quiet evening by the fireside with a good book since both entail encounters with rich unknown experiences. If you intend to keep this guy, make sure that he gets enough intellectual stimulation from you. Discuss with him his favorite books, rock bands and historical figures. You may find that the great explorers of seventeenth century Europe or the stalwarts of sixteenth century Renaissance constitute his ideal characters from the past. Intelligent conversation and a well-rounded personality are your best bet if want your Sagittarian lover to remain interested in you.
The best part about a Sagittarian’s search for knowledge is that it makes him liberal and open-minded. Unlike a Virgo’s meticulous scholarship which has a tendency to slide into pedantry, a Sagittarius exults in a more humanist and inclusive outlook. This means that if you are looking for a guy who believes in genuine and broad-minded partnership as the basis of a successful relationship, then your search is likely to stop with a Sagittarius. Men born under this sign are more likely than others to settle into a platonic relationship over a length of time so think twice if you believe that physical intimacy is the be-all and end-all of a romantic relationship. The all-consuming fires of passion are not for a Sagittarius lover, he would rather be your companion and soul mate for life.
The desire for crossing newer horizons which makes the Sagittarian a much-read and much-travelled man can also mean that he might disappear from your life every now and then. If you are the kind of woman who believes that two people in love with one another should be physically accessible to each other all the time, then perhaps a Sagittarius guy is not the one for you. From time to time, he may need a change of scene to make him feel alive. Being stuck in one task or place for long periods can make him feel tied down and claustrophobic. This is also one reason why Sagittarians are unlikely to be found living and working according to an artificially enforced routine. They thrive in artistic careers or those like medicine and social work which entail a lot of motion. This restlessness is not one every woman can understand, and often to a partner it may appear to smack of unwillingness to commit or undertake responsibility. However a Sagittarius man is a free-wheeling spirit and trying to pin him down will only make him more eager to break free.
A Sagittarian’s open broad-minded nature makes him a favorite among friends and family. He is fun-loving, jovial and easily highlights the brighter side of life. While all these traits endear him to people who know him well, a tendency to be outspoken on the other hand has been known to ruin some potential relationships for Sagittarians. Their unfortunate penchant for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and perhaps to the wrong person has been long the butt of many jokes. So if you are planning to take your boyfriend to meet the family over the holidays, be very careful of any ill-timed jokes about Aunt Jo’s new hairdo or Cousin Howard’s new squeeze. However as anyone close to a Sagittarius will be ready to vouch, his comments, no matter how unfortunate, are never malicious and because of his genuine good nature are always forgiven – eventually!
The downside of the proverbial Sagittarian optimism is that they tend to forget the practical side of life. With Jupiter as the ruling planet, a Sagittarian is thought to be Luck’s favorite child and therefore can be often found safely sailing through the many whirlpools of Fate. Whether this is the result of actual good luck or merely the workings of over-indulgent friends and family may be open to debate, but what happens over time is that such a Sagittarian begins to wander through life thinking that someone or the other will bail him out when the going gets tough. Discipline, hard work and being realistic are important life skills often missing in Sagittarius men. So if you are a woman who prefers security and predictability in her partner over a brilliant and versatile nature, maybe you should look elsewhere.
A relationship with the high-aiming Archer is not every woman’s cup of tea. It will require her to be patient with his wanderings, practical to balance out his high-flying optimism and intelligent to match the brilliant workings of his mind. However, in return, what she will get is a deep abiding relationship based on honest and genuine companionship. And as far as trades go, who wouldn’t want to settle for one like that?
Related link:Dating a Sagittarius Man - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Guy. 
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Dating a Sagittarius Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Girl.

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between November 22 and December 21. Idealistic, free living and fun-loving, they make for great relationships. So if you want to date a Sagittarius woman, here are a few ways to go about it.
One of the quickest ways to catch the attention of a Sagittarius is to talk about travel. These people simply love packing their bags and heading off for the unknown. Perhaps the most widely-traveled in the entire zodiac, no destination is to boring or too dangerous for a Sagittarius if it includes the prospect of seeing new sights and meeting new people. So after you have made the first few introductory noises, ask your Sagittarius date about the last vacation she took or the most exciting place she has been to. And you can be sure that the rest of the evening will pass in lively conversation. However once you are in a relationship with your Sagittarius girlfriend, be sure to take a trip with her every now and then even if it is just for a weekend or to the mountains in the next state.
Sagittarians are rather physical people and thus the outdoors is a great attraction with them. Hiking into the mountains or camping under the stars are some of the most romantic things you can do with a Sagittarius partner. Sporting events could also make great dating venues. So the next time you are stuck on where to take your girlfriend, ask about her favorite football team and then go buy tickets for the game her team is playing.
A Sagittarian is a bundle of crackling energy, hardly surprising considering that the ruling element of the sign is fire. Besides the outdoors, they dig anything fast-paced and with lots of action. Racing tracks and discotheques are other good options where a Sagittarian would like to let her hair down and have a good time. However make sure that it is not something completely against your preferences since beneath their fun-loving exterior, Sagittarians are also very sensitive to moods and nothing will upset her more than knowing that her partner is disinterested or worse, unhappy on the date.
A flip-side of the Sagittarian’s energetic nature is a tendency to get bored quickly. As soon as your date may have had a couple of drinks and dances at the nightclub, she might start fidgeting about and then brightly suggest a late night drive by the beach or river. Sagittarians have incredible stamina and can keep hopping from one activity to another when other stout-hearted guys can carry on no longer. However without enough activities to keep their energetic minds occupied, a Sagittarius can lose interest quite soon and can become moody and irritable. So while getting a Sagittarius woman may be fairly easy, retaining her interest may be much tougher and require some serious work. The best way about it would be to plan a series of activities which are fun, exciting and would keep your girlfriend on her toes.
Though a Sagittarian may be quick to fall in love, curiously enough they do not put much store by sexual intimacy. Even though their innate physical nature ensures that Sagittarians are sensitive to their partner’s sexual needs and are quite sensual themselves, sex does not constitute a driving force in their romantic relationships. Rather, Sagittarians look for intellectual compatibility, a shared love of adventure and the ability to maintain personal space in a relationship. So instead of pushing your Sagittarius girlfriend for a nightcap right after the third date, make sure that you have first established a comfort level with her. Nothing will make her run harder than a guy who wishes to pressurize her into something and that too into having sex before she is ready.
If you are interested in having a relationship with a Sagittarius woman, make sure you give her enough room of her own. Personal freedom ranks at the top among all other life priorities for Sagittarians. They can never feel comfortable in a relationship where they are expected to toe their partner’s line on how to live and love. They must have the space to pursue their own interests and interact with their own social circle which may or may not include that of their partner’s. Despite being in a relationship, they need the freedom to come and go. This is not to say they are incapable of fidelity but that they will not stand being ‘owned’ by their partners. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with a Sagittarius girlfriend is to hedge her in and expect her to change her lifestyle to suit yours. Like the arrow which bursts forth from the Archer, the symbol of the Sagittarius, she cannot be held back and will follow her destiny.
The frank and unfettered nature of Sagittarians makes them quite outspoken at times. You may be disconcerted when your girlfriend points out that your cologne is rather strong and the painting, which has made a substantial dent in your bank balance, is hung upside down. Quite often this frankness may be inappropriate on social occasions and you may find yourself wishing your girlfriend had the tact and diplomacy of a Libra. However a Sagittarian’s outspoken manner is never motivated by malice and it is simply a rather forceful expression of her highly individual personality.
The symbol of this zodiac is the Centaur – half-man and half-horse. In ancient Roman mythology, Centaurs were intellectuals and teachers which perhaps explains the Sagittarian concern with the really big issues of life. Their minds have far-thinking ability aptly symbolized by the Archer who looks ahead and takes his aim. So try to act in a principled manner around your Sagittarian girlfriend since she is likely to care deeply about matters like justice and fair-play.
The Sagittarius is an amazing combination of qualities. Fun-loving, carefree but also noble and expansive, they attract friends and admirers with ease. A committed relationship with a Sagittarius woman is unlikely to burn with the all-consuming passion of a Scorpio but it will light up your life with joy, optimism and a deep abiding companionship.
Related link:Dating a Sagittarius Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Girl. 
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Dating a Scorpio Man - When you Fall in Love with a Scorpion Guy.

Scorpio is the eight sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes  those born between 23rd October and 21st of November. Known for their intense and unyielding nature, Scorpios make for unforgettable relationships. Here are a few things to enjoy as well as be careful of when dating a Scorpio man.
For Scorpios, love is an all or nothing experience. There are no half-measures with them when wooing the partner of their dreams. So if you have just started dating a Scorpio guy, get ready to be completely swept off your feet. He is sure to go the whole length of wining and dining you besides landing the most amazing gifts in your lap. More than that, you will be completely bowled over by the depth and intensity of his emotions. Love is for him a throbbing, blood red passion and once is sure that you are the woman for him, he will be ready to go to the end of the world to make you his.
The flip side of a Scorpio lover’s intensity is an excess which can overwhelm the most sedate of women. While this trait seems flattering in the early stages of a relationship, after a while an emotional life which is perpetually high strung may become difficult to enjoy.  To the Scorpio man, love is an all-consuming passion. Not only does he take his love life very seriously, he expects his partner to reciprocate his feelings with the same white heat intensity. This is likely to scare away or at least unnerve women who are less comfortable with such overwhelming emotions. This is perhaps why most of the times Scorpio men are compatible with women from their own Zodiac sign who are able to withstand and even return their intensity.
Interestingly however, Scorpios are well known for their secrecy. Despite the fact, that they feel and believe strongly, they are able to hide their emotions beneath a calm and deliberate exterior. So when you first meet a Scorpio guy, you may be put off by his cautious and reserved nature. But underneath that still facade, you can be sure of a keen mind, working furiously to analyze your every word, move and display of emotion. Scorpios are believed to have very perceptive natures and can often see through superficiality, a quality which incidentally they hate. If you happen to really like a Scorpio guy, your best bet would be to be completely honest about yourself and your feelings for him. The more recourse you take to subterfuge and deceit, the further he will move away from you.
An extreme temperament is yet another distinctive characteristic of a Scorpio man. His world is largely made up of black and white entities with only rare shades of grey.  At first you may find him cautious and reticent regarding your relationship. However once he decides you are the partner for him, he is likely to amaze you with the intensity of his love and emotions. Likewise, when a relationship does not work out for a Scorpio, the relevant partner will cease to exist completely for him. If you happen to turn out as an ex, don’t even expect to continue as ‘friends’ with the guy or harbor secret hopes of enticing him to return to you. You can throw as many tantrums as you please or sell your soul to the Devil, once a Scorpio guy leaves, you have probably seen the last of him.
In keeping with the Scorpio penchant for extremes, is a possessive streak in relationships. Once you have said ‘yes’ to your Scorpio lover, he will expect you to honor that in letter and spirit. Unlike a Libran lover who can view things with equanimity, don’t expect your Scorpio guy to understand that your lunch date with an ex was just about ‘keeping up with each other’. For a Scorpio man, you either belong to him completely or you better have nothing to do with him at all. This possessiveness may turn out to be one of the major hurdles in a relationship with a Scorpio man. So before you decide to say ‘yes’ , ask yourself if you are ready for  this level of commitment in a relationship.
Related to the above characteristic of a Scorpio guy is his legendary vindictiveness, aptly symbolized by the Scorpion which carries a deadly sting in its tail. He is one person who will never forgive a hurt that he has received and no matter how much water has flown under the bridge, never forget it either. This hard, revengeful nature is one of the worst kept secrets of the Scorpio male and if you ever happen to dump one, be careful of ever crossing paths with him again. However, one could see this as the other side of a steadfast and deeply perceptive nature which goes to the heart of a matter and sees it as it actually is. This degree of acuteness makes it difficult for a Scorpio to be forgiving of deceit and duplicity and is probably responsible for his hard, unyielding nature.
When dating a Scorpio guy, you may find him disappear from your life now and then. This is because he needs to be by himself from time to time, probably as a way of balancing out his excessive involvement in emotions and surroundings. This is not only typical of the extreme temperament of a Scorpio but also one suspects, necessary to maintain the required level of sanity and perspective in daily living. So the next time, you find your Scorpio boyfriend turn elusive, he is probably recharging his batteries in his hideout tucked away in a remote spot near the sea or in the mountains.
Loving or hating with the tenacity and intensity of a Scorpion, there are no half-measures with the man who bears this Zodiac sign. A relationship with a Scorpio man may either be the worst or most fantastic you have ever had but one thing it will not be is, forgettable.
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Dating a Scorpio Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Scorpion Girl.

A Scorpio is one of the most complicated signs in the Zodiac. Born between 23rd October and 21st November, these people are intelligent, passionate but also possessive and sometimes vindictive. Here is what you can look forward to if you are dating a Scorpio woman.
The most noticeable aspect of a Scorpio is perhaps their intense natures and your girlfriend may be no different. A Scorpio woman is likely to be passionate in her emotions, loving and hating to the extreme. She would detest doing anything by half measures – she would either have all of an experience or nothing of it. She is likely to pour her entire self into the relationship and would expect no less from her partner. Which is why, a Scorpio woman makes one of the most passionate of lovers and a romantic relationship with her is one breathless experience after another. At the same time, once she changes partners, she will have nothing to do with an ex. You cannot be a former lover of a Scorpio and continue to be friends even after the relationship is over. For Scorpios, love is an all-or-nothing affair. A love life perpetually lived in the high key is not one for the faint-hearted but after experiencing its wild and hypnotic attraction, a man is unlikely to be happy with anything less.
Physical intimacy is an important part of a romantic relationship with Scorpios. For a woman who feels as strongly as she does, it is only natural that her emotions will find expression in physical passion too. Sex is likely to be wild and fun with your Scorpio girlfriend and she may even surprise you with an experimental move or two. But before that you need to gain her trust and that is not something to be taken lightly in a Scorpio.
Curiously, the tendency to give way to intense passions makes a Scorpio quite secretive too. This is in fact a survival tactic since wearing one’s on the sleeve all the time is akin to inviting disappointment and disaster. So you may find your Scorpio date quite reserved and cautious on the first couple of meetings. But don’t be taken by appearances since beneath that cool and collected exterior, she may be capable of experiencing tumultuous emotions and intense passions. More importantly however the quiet façade enables a Scorpio to judge the person before her with an amazing acuity. In fact Scorpios have an uncanny knack of looking straight into the heart of people and learning the truth about them. It is perhaps this curious ability which has lent shades of the psychic and occult to the bearers of the sign and particularly its women.  So if you are keen on making a good impression on your Scorpio girlfriend, your best bet is to be honest about yourself, since she may be able to look through deception and if there is one thing that Scorpios hate with all their hearts it is deceit and dishonesty.
Like everything else, a Scorpio tends to take his or her love life very seriously. While other women may date to have an active social life, for your Scorpio girlfriend it may be part of looking for a soul-mate, a love which is truly transcendental. And once found, she is unlikely to let it get away in a hurry. This tendency to hold on fiercely to their partners makes Scorpio lovers slightly possessive. Even though in the early stages of a relationship it may be flattering to think that someone needs you so much, later on the whole thing may begin to feel uncomfortable and even obsessive. For men who like their own emotional and physical space, the overwhelming attachment of a Scorpio woman may even lead to a feeling of claustrophobia and of being tied down.
Interestingly however, not all Scorpio women make jealous partners. For a temperament that is essentially possessive, one would expect a Scorpio girlfriend to go ballistic if you made so much as eye contact with another comely woman. However the strength of character and immense self-confidence of Scorpios makes them unlikely to be shaken by minor irritants. It is only when thought crosses over to action, then you had better watch out.
Watch out, because a Scorpio neither forgives nor forgets. Betraying a partner’s love and trust is the worst mistake you can make in a relationship with a Scorpio. This is because of the legendary instinct for revenge in a Scorpio. Not surprising since the Zodiac is symbolized by the Scorpion, a creature which bears a deadly sting in its tail. Like its symbol, a Scorpio will never forget a hurt and sooner or later will pay back in her own coin. So if you are a guy who has a Scorpio girlfriend and still meets up with his ex-flames over lunch dates, either you have a curious way of getting your emotional highs or simply like to live dangerously.
Scorpios are famous for their courage and tenacity and are thus useful people to have around in case of an emergency. They are not afraid to take up a task, no matter how impossible it may seem, and will see it through till the end. In keeping with their fixed sign, they are also extremely determined and will not opt out of a course, come what may. So if you are looking for a long term partner who will stand by you through the ups and downs of life and give you a hand in weathering all kinds of crises, a Scorpio is the woman for you.
Intense, complicated and unpredictable – a Scorpio woman revels in all these qualities. Most of all she likes being in control of her own destiny and of her relationship. She is unapologetic about her own powerful persona and in fact is attracted to the same kind of self-assurance and magnetism in others. A Scorpio woman is in search of a man who is confident and strong enough to take her for what she is and expects nothing less.
Related link:Dating a Scorpio Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Scorpion Girl. 
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Dating a Libra Man - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Guy.

As the seventh sign in the Zodiac calendar, Libra includes all those born from 23rd September to 23rd October. Librans are lovers of beauty, society and harmony, the last of which is indicated by the symbol of the Scales. Read on to know more about the finer points of a relationship with a Libra man.
In his love life, a Libran man will tend to seek balance and elegance of form. He likes to be surrounded by beauty, hardly surprising for a sign that is ruled by the planet Venus who in classical mythology was the reigning goddess of love, sexuality and beauty. A Libra man will shrink back from anything that is overpowering and smothering, rather he will be drawn to a beauty that conveys a harmonious mingling of qualities. So if you wish to attract a Libra guy, make sure he is introduced to a pleasing personality.  As far as physical appearances go, avoid violent contrasts, jarring colors and too many frills. Librans usually have excellent and rather expensive tastes; they are cultured, refined and go for beautiful things. So on a date with him, take care to turn out in clean-cut designs, classic colors and an elegant style.
Because of their equanimity, Librans are a huge hit in social situations. They are positive, friendly and easy to get along with. Those born under this sign will always be ready with the right thing to say and always know how to make someone comfortable. Perhaps this is why, a Libran will figure as a regular on the guest list of the best parties and gatherings in town. In fact it is probable that you met your Libran boyfriend at such a party where he may have been surrounded by friends and admirers, both male and female. While his excellent social skills may be an advantage when it comes to introducing him to your friends and family, you may at times be bugged by his tendency to be nice and pleasant to everybody, showing that he is not one to have strong favorites.
The Libran male is well known for his sparkling charm which crowns an intelligent and sociable personality. It is a delight to know such a guy who will intuitively make you feel like a queen and can sweep you off your feet with romantic words and gestures. If he is really smitten by you, he will think nothing of taking you through the whole courtship thing. But be prepared to find out that he is a little flirty like this with a lot of women and his attentions are usually spread out quite evenly.
This brings to the fore an interesting aspect of the Libran lover – a curious ability to remain detached from an emotional situation even as he plays Prince Charming to the hilt. Emotions are messy, inconvenient things to a Libra guy and he prefers not to wade too deep into them. Like the element Air which rules this sign, Librans can maintain an airy detachment from very personal situations. As his partner, you may at times get frustrated by his tendency to stand back and look upon a situation rather than feel it in his flesh and bones.  However instead of viewing it as a lack of emotional involvement on your Libran boyfriend’s part, take it as yet another instance of his discomfort with any kind of extremes and his innate love of harmony.
Suitably appropriate for a sign which bears the symbol of Scales, a Libran cares deeply about fairplay and justice. So if you wish to attract a Libra guy, make sure that he never sees you acting in an unjust and dishonest manner. The same sense of fairplay in Libra also makes him a good diplomat and a conciliator. This is because he mentally weighs both sides of an affair and then comes to a decision. He excels in situations which demand collaboration and co-operation rather than confrontation. This is an invaluable trait in a partner since at times of crisis, you know that he will take a deep breath, consider all options as well as aspects of the problem and then go ahead with a spirit of co-operation. If any guy is least likely to be hot-heated, violent and hasty in breaking up, perhaps it is a Libran. At the same time, his innate sense of fairplay will immediately oppose any visible instance of unjust or unfair treatment. This coupled with a willingness to take the initiative, makes a Libra man a natural choice in resolving conflicts and opening deadlocks.
The flip side of a Libran’s balanced personality is a vacillating and undecided nature. He may take too long in coming to a decision or veer from one extreme to another before finding equilibrium in life. So you should not be surprised to know that while in high school your boyfriend had been into acid rock, in college he discovered the austere beauty of cathedral music and has now more or less settled for Mozart’s magic. Furthermore his aversion of conflict may mean that he does not like to face up to the difficult aspects of a relationship and avoids talking of unpleasant or painful subjects. This could be a challenge if you are in a serious relationship with a Libra man since an inability to confront the truth, however uncomfortable, and a tendency to buy peace, whatever the cost, is hardly healthy for long term relationships.
Librans make amazing partners. So whether you have just started dating one or been in a relationship with one for some time, you are sure to appreciate the value of a charming, intelligent and equable personality that a Libran man brings with him. Even though he may take some time to decide if you are the woman for him, it might be worth the wait. This is because sooner or later a Libran needs a committed partner to feel truly complete in life and when he does, you will be ready for one of the most fulfilling of relationships ever.
Related link:Dating a Libra Man - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Guy. 
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